My hogwash comment was in regards to...

by rob @, Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 21:24 (2258 days ago) @ former hater of plastic

Handloading for Glocks is akin to shooting silver BBs in a Red Rider...or whatever it was you said exactly. And the tone was for several reasons:
1) I clearly said WWB shoots bad in one of my 9mms, the Rem 115 JHP shoots all over the place in another and one pistol is oblivious to ammo choice. Thus I was asking for suggestions on ammo folks have good luck with and I got several good ones. However, you pretty much just made the point of how great WWB was, which, for you, is great if it serves your purpose, but it did me no good at all.
2) Pertaining to the silver BB comment, it may be pointless to shoot premium BBs in a Red Rider, but shooting practice ammo in your daily carry gun that is accurate, be it handloads or bulk ammo, is not silly at all. It makes perfect sense when WWB shoots 12" groups at 25 yards to find a different practice ammo and I, for one, just enjoy loading my own ammo.
3) Maybe it's just me, and I'm only speaking for me, but I get a little perturbed when someone starts on a forum with one name, leaves and comes back with another name, and then a third and a forth, and those are just the ones I know of. Why not just create an account with your real name (or a handle if you prefer) and stay you. Just my two cents.

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