Actually went shooting.....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Tuesday, July 03, 2018, 15:20 (2272 days ago)

Couple of days vacation this week, been busy catching up on sheaths for finished knives but decided to play hooky from the shop today and go shooting. Been two years???? since last time I went : (

I get so focused on the knife stuff I forget my true passion-GUNS! Decided to keep it simple, took my 5" Baer 45, the M4 I built and my first ever handgun, Ruger 5 1/2" stainless MKII.

The Baer, as usual doesn't disappoint, with my standard IPSC loads it chews up the X on a target and feels good in my hand. The M4 is a fun gun, loud but fun, wish I had a bigger, wider range to be able to do more different target layouts but can't complain, thanks to my sister for allowing me to build a 100 by 15 yard shooting lane in the woods on her property I have my own private shooting range. Spent about 2 1/2 hours bangin away with Baer and M4 I never even picked up the MKII. At that point I was soaked with sweat and tired, 105 heat index will do that to you.

Felt good to pop some primers, need to do it more regularly, seems like I am always short on time to do things.


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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