We were on the Kenai when that happened. going up and down

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, July 01, 2018, 20:23 (2274 days ago) @ cable

the same stars where a young man had his face torn off, circa 2004... walked up to where I had a bear charge and was inspired to design my Chesty Puller Straps for chest Carry. I was carrying the ideal bear gun, my .45ACP M&P, it is superb, obviously, as I saw no bears:-) Had a couple wags yell "Hey bear" at me a few times...river was high and the wind was in my eyes so now Russian river reds that trip.
We knocked dead in Main Bay. also saw no bears... two humpback whales and 50 eagles in one huge ball of fish carci. Sorry I missed you. Next time! I did train 3 new pistoleros !

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