To be correct, I do believe these were drug dealers not baby

by Alfred John, Thursday, May 31, 2012, 12:19 (4507 days ago) @ Hobie

I saw on the news that China's one baby solution to keep down the population is coming back to bite them big time. Their population is ageing and they say within a few years a third of the population will be over 60. It is chinese tradition that the children take care of the elder members of their family. This isn't going to happen, it will require the expense of the State to provide elderly care for the ageing population. They are predicting a bunch of money (they don't have) will be reuired to handle this problem. There is supposedly talk of China now may repeal the one baby rule. It will be too little too late for most of them. As for gender abortions who is demanding them and why. The Father of the child determines the sex of the child,natures way of keeping the race going. The females carry the baby to term but have no imput on the sex of the child. Just Saying.............

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