Need some help from 'Hater of Plastic' I am trying to talk

by ERSisk @, Friday, June 15, 2018, 16:51 (2290 days ago) @ RidinLou

Purpose is to be multi-functional. It will fill gaps not covered, at least perceived gaps not already covered by current arms. I have sold very few guns over the years, unacceptable accuracy being the prime reason, I have gifted and given friends my cost deals. I only had buyers remorse a couple of times over the years, that only because a'smoking deal came up before I could replenish a depleted gun fund. I am not an impulse buyer, a lot of cogitation is involved in any purchase I make, and If I can't pay cash, I can wait. 10mm long slide Glockamole has been on my want list for a long long while. So short version; Multi, Yes, No, Absolutely. Guess I have to go out for a $700.00 cup of coffee next week.

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