alaskan girls and bears : Part 4

by cable, Monday, June 04, 2018, 00:09 (2302 days ago)

Stan, my friend and associate at our clinics and our remote mine has 4 amazing daughters, who are real hunters ! this year was the youngest one's time to be on the bear stand...and she, like her next oldest sister,chose the crossbow and practiced until every shot was dead center at 25 yds

this is what she did on saturday:


is that not the cutest thing ?! she is really bright and a superb student and just fun and entertaining.....really she is a treasure like all her sisters

and here they are from the next oldest up to the oldest:

she used the cross bow also

she used an AR in 450 beowulf

and the oldest
who used a marlin 1894 in44 magnum

talk about 'empowering' young women !!

Stan is truly blessed and i am blessed to have him and his wife and daughters as dear friends ....the girls go out to the remote mining sight with us and they are a hoot to be around !

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