An interesting perspective...

by Byron, Thursday, May 24, 2018, 14:59 (2312 days ago)

he forgot one part of equation.

by former hater of plastic, Thursday, May 24, 2018, 17:59 (2312 days ago) @ Byron

95% are law abiding citizens, and will grudgingly cede to legally enacted law.

A for sure indicator of how passive will be the response would be the recent SCOTUS ruling on marriage, which is a far more core component of our society, and also lack of activism against abortion, where violence to actually save lives is foresworn.

Folk dreaming of all those gun owner numbers adding up to armed insurrection will be as disappointed as any other group surrounded and destroyed by government forces in the past. They will be disowned as barbarians.

I will take that 5% worth of Sheepdogs.

by ERSisk @, Thursday, May 24, 2018, 23:57 (2312 days ago) @ former hater of plastic

over the other 95% of sheeple who will divided. It depends on the source but @7% of the population participated in the Revolutionary war. @45% Loyalist, @%20 Neutral Loyalists, @25% Tories.

those "sheepdogs" are the very same ones

by former hater of plastic, Friday, May 25, 2018, 00:26 (2312 days ago) @ ERSisk

who have sat idly by while millions upon millions of unborn children have been killed, and marriage as a sacrament and root cell of all society redefined to meaninglessness, and destroyed. And yet, these self appointed guardians claim widespread insurrection, civil war, and bloodbath, over taking away an inanimate object of totally moral nuetrality. THIS is what the sheepdogs will kill over, while they dismissively deride their charges as sheeple? THIS will bring out the REAL men, finally? OK. No more argument from me.

Those are often the same people who work for candidates

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, May 25, 2018, 16:59 (2311 days ago) @ former hater of plastic

opposed to abortion, who preach the anti-abortion message to all and sundry at every opportunity and so forth. Those folks who bombed in the name of the anti-abortion/pro-life movement did nothing for the cause. Education has made tremendous inroads on their supporters which is why they are so intent on silencing those that educate.

If we do go to armed resistance, this country is finished. It will become, of necessity for those in power, a police state as bad as you can imagine, maybe worse. Like people in many countries, there will be many who will shrink to the shadows and hide their 'assets' and accept that they are outlaws. It happened with alcohol and drugs, it will be so with guns.



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