Looking for N Frame Sq Butt grips......

by Gunner @, St Louis, Tuesday, May 08, 2018, 20:42 (2328 days ago)

I love my 57 and the looks of the factory target style grips, problem is I don't like the feel of them, have always felt funny in my hand. It has a decent set on it so I am not really wanting to go hacking on them as an experiment to find a better feeling grip, Hogues are nice, finger groves are not, rubber is out of the question, found a couple of factory style replacement grips but they want $90-$130 for them so that leaves me with modifying a not so great shape factory set to find a better solution.

I need a couple sets of the S&W style two piece target stocks to introduce to my belt grind for reshaping. I looked online, yeah I don't think so, $90 for a set that looks like it got run over by a truck or $300 for a nice grain pattern set, neither fits the bill.

What I am looking for is a set in ok shape, a little scuffed up, plain grain or color or a ding on the bottom edge, as long as the underside is solid I am not to worried about the outside as I will be sanding them down to more rounded profile.

So does anyone have a set or two lying around that you want to get rid of??? If you have a nice set and want to do some horse trading for a knife (just search my postings over the last few months, most are still available) we can talk and work something out.


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