Picked up a new rifle for my son....

by Bri A, Sunday, May 06, 2018, 10:06 (2330 days ago) @ Otony

Those Husky's are great rifles! I have a 30-06 my Grandfather gave to me when I was 16. He loaned it to me for the opening day of deer season and told me if I shot a deer with it, it was mine. Up to that point, I had not yet shot a deer, and no one in our group had shot one in over seven years. At 10:30 that morning a buck came out on a ridge 200 yards away, and it was mine. When I came out to the truck for lunch, my Grandfather asked what I was grinning about and I told him that I had shot a buck. He did not believe me at first, but I dropped off my gear, went back out, and came back a short time later, dragging the deer. My Grandfather sat down at the campfire with that Husky while we were eating lunch, used his Swiss army knife to unscrew the buttplate, and wrote my name on the stock under it. I still have that rifle and it has since accounted for most of my deer. It is one of their carbines with the Mannlicher stock and with ammunition it likes, will shoot 1 m.o.a. or better all day long. I sincerely hope your son makes even more happy memories with his Husky than I have with mine.

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