Paul - now using the new site you gave above and

by Paul ⌂, Monday, April 16, 2018, 18:06 (2350 days ago) @ DCS - Cherokee

That is odd. You might double check you're using the same capitalization that you used when signing up. The only difference between and is that the second refers to a subdomain instead of a folder on the main domain. BUT the folder on the main domain is where the files that run the subdomain are located - so by going right there instead of having the network look for the subdomain you just skip a step in the redirection of the URL to the actual place where the files are kept. I'm still not sure WHY the site is not properly resolving pictures on the subdomain but it does in the folder, and haven't had time to cogitate on it too much.

All that to say, please double check that you're typing both your username and password EXACTLY the same way in both places as nothing is different other than the way the browser navigates to the required files. PassWoRD is different from password and USERname is different from USERNAME, for examples.

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