KY Governor Video (must watch)

by Kings6, Dallas, OR, Saturday, April 07, 2018, 12:26 (2359 days ago) @ Big Six

That man addressed issues that most people want to stick their heads in the sand about. My wife and I had those same thoughts when our kids were growing up and we decided that there would be no video games in the house until the kids were older. A B-I-L bought them their first one, Mario Brothers, when they were 12 and I almost didn't let them have it but after watching it we decided it was okay. UP until then our kids watched a little TV but mostly it was reading that they did for in the house past times. It has held them all in good stead ever since since they all love to read and don't have much to do with games now that they are grown.

I also like that he did not get defensive but he was not afraid to address the question as a legitimate question but he did address how the person asking was reacting with smug looks and rolling eyes. I thought his approach was much more effective than the GOP that pulled his CCW and laid it on the table during a constituent meeting to show how a gun by itself does not shoot anyone.

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