by uncowboy, Monday, March 19, 2018, 17:26 (2378 days ago)

No hope for the future. They are teaching kids to be robots without the ability to think for themself or think outside the box.
I had a package delivered today. It had my name my address and a tracking #.
I open the package and it is nothing I ordered. I figure someone confused two orders from E Bay and sent me the wrong Idem.
First call pay Pal. I have the address where it came from Can you tell me the vendors user name so I can contact them and explain the mistake. 6 TIMES the girl on the line asked me if I had the vendors user name. No I have the business name and address.Kept repeating like I was going to have it all of a sudden. Me having it would have made her job easy and she kept repeating so she would get the answer she wanted. Got no help! OK
Second call E bay. Same question same service. Person couldn't figure out how to cross reference, Asked for a manager Manager gets on and doesn't know what to do. I tell him all he has to do is pull up my account and see what vendor I dealt with was from OHIO. Ok He pulled up and said I looked at the shipments that should be arriving today and didn't see any from OHIO. I said how about just looking at all my purchases till you find one from Ohio. He said he couldn't help me and basically you had a good Idea there checking it that way.
Third call usps I have a tracking # can you give me contact of the sender or give the sender My email and have them contact me she said no we don't keep contact info just addresses????? You put in my address you get my name she said no we don't use names????
So now I have to wait a month to see what doesn't get delivered and open a case with Pay Pal and with E bay all because people can't think. J.Michael

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