Our fabled pig, otherwise known as Bacon Porridge.....

by Otony, Sunday, March 18, 2018, 11:44 (2379 days ago)
edited by Otony, Sunday, March 18, 2018, 18:02

....a moniker given to her by the kids, was sent to the knackers recently. We just got the results back last Friday, except for the hams and bacon which are still curing.

Last night we had delectable pork chops, and this morning we had some very, VERY good sausage. This is the best eating pig we've ever had, thanks in part to her diet and an excellent butcher.

We fed her cooked mash everyday, consisting of cracked corn, oats, and barley, with the addition of garbanzos every other meal or so. She also got all our vegetable and fruit scraps, plus as much surplus milk as our neighbor's cow could deliver. I have to think her diet is a great part of the yummy flavor we ended up with.

She was a yuge pain in the posterior at times, but proved to be a pain well worth enduring. We are going to wait a year or so to do another, but this was definitely a good idea.


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