454C tidbits.

by John K., Tuesday, May 29, 2012, 08:01 (4509 days ago) @ Dave B


I use .452". Sometimes I use .453" for a few bullet styles, as that is the diameter I use in my Rugers. This works ok with those bullets as the front driving band is not very long. There's another tidbit - a wide-shouldered slug like an LBT WFN will likely not fit the throats unless sized to .451". Depending on alloy and springback, perhaps .452" will work.

One one LBT I seated a GC, sized the entire bullet to .452", swapped the size die to .451" and set the stop on my Saeco sizer to just size the nose. Decided it wasn't worth all that trouble...

I always spec'd a .100" front driving band on my Mountain Molds bullets to eliminate this foolishness.

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