I prefer shoulder holsters...

by Bri A, Monday, February 19, 2018, 08:46 (2406 days ago) @ stonewalrus

but they can have issues with concealment depending on the cut of the clothes you have over them. As mentioned, there is also the issue of reaching them for some people. Another issue for a lot of people is the straps not supporting the weight well and creating pain in the shoulder/neck.

I am not a fan of the X15 for automatics because I have had several fall out of them, though they work great for revolvers. Horizontal holsters make some people very concerned because the muzzle is not pointed in the safest direction and you almost have to sweep everyone on your weak side during the draw.

That being said, a well designed shoulder holster that is properly adjusted and used with a well cut covering garment, can be a joy to carry. They offer the advantages of being able to handle large handguns well, are easy to access while sitting, can be accessed with either hand easily and do not create problems if you need to use the restroom.

I have carried everything from lightweight, snub-nosed revolvers, to full size service automatics, and even a 5" 629 Classic, concealed in shoulder holsters with no problems and very comfortably.

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