I just saw this (Sat. 7:30 am). Glad you got this figured...

by Otony, Saturday, February 17, 2018, 10:19 (2408 days ago) @ Caz

It was a stealth spider, the worst kind, meaning I don't know. Bit me while I slept, the bastage.

Years ago I was bitten by a brown recluse. Made me terribly ill, the doctor said it must have been either a very young spider, or one that was unable to deliver the full load of venom. Bit me while I was sitting on a very old wooden deck, but I thought at the time I had sat on a small splinter. Yeah, bit me there.

Since then, whenever I'm bit by any insect, even a mosquito, I have a bad reaction, swelling and itching for days. Usually treat the area with calamine lotion or absorbine, but in this case it became infected. Sorta scary to watch the redness crawl up your arm!


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