Poor pics on the way

by uncowboy, Monday, February 12, 2018, 15:34 (2413 days ago) @ Paul

So I will explain all that was done because there seams to be interest.
The front strap and back strap have been stippled. Wish it was fine checkering but couldn't afford it back in 79-80 when I had it done. The trigger guard is hooked and stippled as well.
the trigger has been widened to a gold cup width. This is something that only Austin did at the time as well as the extended safety lever. The mag button is extended enlarged and very fine checkered. The hammer was bobbed and recontored to allow my flesh to pass. The mag well was funneled and of coarse the Melted in Bomars and custom soldered front sight with 20LPI serrations. The pistol was Deburred and tightened. I always thought this pistol had the best hand feel and I have not been proven wrong yet. Thanks for listening. J.Michael

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