How 'bout that J-Frame? Hah! Found it!

by Otony, Monday, February 05, 2018, 22:11 (2420 days ago) @ ~JM~

One day I asked the wife to make sure and take her revolver with her for an errand she was about to embark upon.

Her reply drew me up short. "Which one?"

I was puzzled and inquired as to what she meant. She answered by showing her usual J-frame, and the longer tubed model that I had been searching for.

Never mind that I'd asked about it numerous times. But then you know all that.....

The sheath knife I mentioned is a beautiful little custom by David Bowe, one he turned out for me in thanks for ordering him a half-dozen SKS rifles (this was back when I had my own FFL).

I keep all my custom knives in my office, and all my factory knives in my shop, save for the ones in my packs or pockets. What this one was doing in my safe, packed neatly inside a box of Ruger revolver parts is beyond me. I imagine that Weaver scope is safely ensconced in a box of Crayolas somewhere.....


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