Military movie........

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, January 21, 2018, 21:00 (2435 days ago)

“Taking Chance” starring Kevin Bacon as a Marine Lt Colonel who volunteers to escort a young Marine PFC's body home after being killed during combat in Afghanistan. This movie came out a few years ago, trailer looked interesting and heard good things about it, I wanted to see it just never got the opportunity. Luck would have it this afternoon I had a little bit of free time waiting on the youngest daughter to get off work and I was hunting for a movie to watch online and ran across Taking Chance and decided it was time to finally watch it.

I am sorry it took me so long to do so…..what a great movie, well acted and the director let the story be told and unfold on it’s own instead of over doing scenes to make it dramatic. Very interesting to see behind the scenes of how the military handles soldiers killed in action and then what the escorts have to do, including a strict set of rules on how to deal with the body and personal effects on the journey.

This movie will tug at your heart strings more than a few times, as it does Kevin Bacon’s character in the movie as people react to what he is charged with doing and the job at hand. Then the emotional moment he delivers the PFC’s effects to the family and the town’s huge turn out for this young soldier.

Well worth the hour and a half of my time today, only wished I had saw it years ago, just a very well done movie. I found it on Amazon, free with the prime membership but I am sure it is available online at different sites, hunt it down and watch it you won’t regret it.


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