Word of caution.....

by Gunner @, St Louis, Sunday, January 14, 2018, 21:36 (2442 days ago) @ Jhenry

Be very careful if and when you start re-profiling your knife, too much heat generated while grinding/filing etc will cause the blade to loose it's temper, quickly. Believe me steel heats way faster than you think, I can show you the burn marks on my fingers : ( Older steels, generally, took lower heat temps to harden, so it will not take a high temp to ruin the blade.

Now having said that here is how to attack the job.......keep a coffee can or similar sized container of water next to you and dip the blade into it to keep the temp down on the blade. Using a file, it would take more than a few strokes to get it hot but with a power tool like a angle or 1x30 belt grinder will only take a few seconds to get the blade too hot. Use a sharp file, belt or disc with light pressure and dip the blade a lot into the water. The molecules in the steel can start to change at temps as low 400-450 degrees, you want them to keep still, cool, not warming up to cause them to move around and get excited which will lead to the temper being ruined.

I am far from being a expert but know enough to get myself into trouble :-D If you have any questions just ask and I will help if I can.


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