Ruger PC9mm carbine great idea.

by D. Sikes, Saturday, December 30, 2017, 10:03 (2457 days ago) @ Fivegunner

For a lot of folks (me included) that wanted or "needed" a pistol caliber carbine, the choices were slim and expensive... build or acquire a AR platform conversion, a Berretta, MP-5, Uzi, Mech-Tec, or what I did ... a Hi-Point ... mine was a .40S&W ... used extensively around the farm for varmint control... a few coyotes here and there and a couple of bobcats... very handy and it was cheap... $215 ... and fairly reliable... however... if this Ruger was around when I needed one... I think I would have gravitated toward it rather than the Hi-Point or Berretta... the idea of interchangeable mag wells was brilliant and would have tripped the difference.

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