I formerly loved only blue steel

by former hater of plastic, Monday, November 06, 2017, 12:13 (2511 days ago) @ Catoosa

but getting too old to spend what remains of life caring for guns going mostly to strangers, so, bought a G36 .45ACP. It was too fat.

Bought more recently the G43 and consider it mex carry perfection. No rough spots, fish scale, lumps or bumps, and holds 8rds of latest/greatest 9mm premium defense loads, or, Winchester White Box 115grJHP, which works just as well out of the short barrel, and half the price. Check out on-line tests if you do not believe.

Put 5 of 7rds dead centered on target at 25yds inside 2" with fliers 4" out at 10 and 8 o'clock, reasonably "smooth" heavy, predictable trigger. Ditched the extension grip for carry as never noticed the difference when shooting.

Even installed the OEM front night sight.

And biggest thing, I do not need remember to wipe it down every time I touch it. A charm shared by the Smith.

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