best to get the cylinder at the same time?

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, May 25, 2012, 20:40 (4512 days ago) @ bj

The extra cylinder was just a bit too much extra, had to stretch a bit as it was, no big deal, just didn't want to push my luck with my wonderful wife, she has always been good to me in regards to guns, don't want to spoil it. I have 3 or 4 45 Colts between Ruger and S&W any how, so not like I'll be 45 Colt poor. Plus, I have the option of more midrange loads with the 454 as well. I really appreciate the enthusiasm and support, makes me feel less guilty for spending so much. I know it is worth every penny, but I am a bit of a scrooge most of the time, heck I try to recover as many bullets from the dirt where I shoot so I can cast them again.


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