i just picked up a miroku 1894 short rifle in an auction-

by cable, Sunday, October 22, 2017, 13:29 (2526 days ago) @ rob
edited by cable, Sunday, October 22, 2017, 15:01

it was poorly described and i got it cheap, $450.00 !!at that price i decided i couldn't go wrong and wanted to see if they are as slick and accurate as described ; its on its way to me now. it has fancy wood and receiver and is in 30/30

i have the miroku browning 1886 from the 1980s and it is superb as were the 1895 30/06's i had back then

will be fun to see how well this one works ; the tang safety only bothers me to the extent that i can't mount a tang sight. in fact, a lot of the young folks i shoot with are safer using the tang safety since it is so familiar to them

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