It ain't exactly so...

by Catoosa, Monday, September 04, 2017, 10:19 (2575 days ago)

BS call on the current media reports of game cam video of a "female cougar with cubs" near Lebanon, Tennessee. Very obvious in the clip that the two cubs most prominently visible are half-grown bobcats (short tails).

That said, there are persistent reports of sightings of a grown cougar and two cubs in the Beasleys Bend area in northeast Wilson County. I know a couple of the people who claim to have seen them, and they are sane, sober, outdoor types, not the sort of folks who would tell wild tales. Withholding judgment myself until concrete evidence appears, but given my habit of ALWAYS being adequately equipped when I'm out and about, I ain't gonna git all skeered about the prospect of sharing our territory with big kittycats. Damm wild/feral pigs bother me a lot more - and if'n the painters eat the piggies I'm just fine with that.

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