SK Grips

by JD, Western Washington, Monday, September 04, 2017, 02:23 (2575 days ago)


All the interest in SK's 1911 grips reminded me that I have a pair of Scott's grips. Last winter I found a pair on ebay, and put in a bid. The seller didn't provide a lot of information, only that the grips were for a Ruger Blackhawk, but not what model, or even what they are made of. No one else bid, probably because of the lack of information, so I won them for a very modest price :-)

When they arrived, I put them in my grip drawer and promptly forgot about them. For some reason that I don't recall, I thought that they were for a 3 screw flat-top. This weekend, I remembered the grips, and since I have a nasty cold, I thought that I would try to fit them to something. Once I got them out, I found that they are actually for a XR3 grip. I decided to fit them to my 3 screw Super Single Six. Scott does truly beautiful work, and these grips are an example of amazing craftsmanship. I don't know exactly what they are made of.... I assume it is stabilized spalted birdseye maple, but that's just a guess. I had to ream out the locator pin holes just a bit, and shorten one grip panel just a hair to fit this frame, then glass bed the locator pin (The one photo of the back of the grips shows epoxy in the locater pin holdes ready for bedding...). They now fit perfect and a beautiful grips. I can't say enough good things about these grips. Thank you Scott!!!!!!

By the way, this revolver is the most accurate 22 revolver that I have ever fired. I don't know what is special about the way it is made, but it produces 5 shot groupd that run about one inch at 25 yards with ammo that it likes... :-) :-)

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