Fun at the shop...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 08:56 (2588 days ago)

Had a couple of interesting things happen in the shop yesterday.

The first was a SCYY pistol that was brought in. The new owner claimed that it would not extract the fired cartridge and that they had to pry them out of the chamber. I asked what ammo they were using. "The ammo we were sold with the pistol." "But what brand/make," I asked. "I don't know," says the owner but I have my receipt. Look at the receipt. She had been sold 9mm Makarov ammunition!

Well, she didn't know. Her "expert" help didn't catch it. I did. We got her the right ammo and sold her a 3rd magazine for the gun.

Firing the gun with the 9mm Mak ammo had left some fouling, I cleaned that out. It did not seem to cause any other damage. It did leave a ring of brass at the chamber mouth which cleaning with a brush pulled right out. NO chamber ring.

The other was an AR-15 dropped off for cleaning about a week ago. Our gunsmith has had some health problems and has been out so I went back to clean it during some "down time". First I found the castle nut was loose. Tried to open the gun and discovered the buffer was in the upper receiver. We know how that happened. Took the gun apart from the rear and found that it had been abused previously. The rear detent spring was kinked/bent and the spline slot in the tube was damaged in that the threads were buggered from forcing the spline in the back plate into the threads. I put the gun back together. I left it to the gunsmith to have a talk with that young man... This was a S&W M&P15.



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