Alaska boy does good... YES HE DID! He had his gun in his

by Big Six, Monday, July 03, 2017, 10:19 (2638 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I read that article elsewhere buy chose to ask a question here.

Some are/were in Alaska for some time and may know the answer.

If one were hiking/hunting/camping etc. in big bear country...

would having a reliable dog as company (along with a human) be wise or unwise?

I am thinking of sleeping at night.... the possibility of bear attack while you sleep... and the added senses of the dog to alert you as you travel through dense country.

Would the dog (or dogs) be an asset or a liability?

Would big bears simply see the dog as a food source or threat and be more likely to come to it or would they tend to avoid dogs?

I am not interested in the legal side of being accompanied by dogs while hunting but only the practical side.

I have had zero experience with bear here in KY but black bear are moving into these parts.

Grizzly will never be here in my lifetime if ever.


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