Some of you remember Lucy...

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, June 22, 2017, 22:53 (2648 days ago)

the young woman that the board chipped in to help with her education. We're proud of how she's been doing in life, she and her husband have been married for six years now and are doing very well.

But today her mother went in for an emergency open heart surgery. She had some kind of growth in her heart that was coming loose and threatening to block things up, and she was in poor health to start with. She did not survive the surgery. Lucy's been there for the past month trying to help her mom get back on her feet, health wise. Johny (Lucy's husband) is on his way to be with her during this time, and my wife is with him to lend moral support and see how else she can pitch in, I've too many irons in the fire here to walk away right now or we'd both be on our way. We don't know how this is going to play out, but I suspect she did not have burial insurance, she was only 51 and most folks don't seem to see how important it is. Anyway, prayers are greatly appreciated for Lucy and her brother and sister, also for Sheri and Johny as they travel.

Thanks, guys.

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