the current trend in.....

by Ray L, Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 14:05 (2651 days ago) @ Paul

phone phishing scams have the ability to somehow hack or otherwise cause a legitimate landline phone number to be displayed on the intended victim's caller i.d......the elderly are clearly the targets and my parents, in their dotage have fallen for it...hook, line and sinker several times.....we think we have them convinced not to believe any phone call, e-mail, of f.b. p.m but we thought that before several "oops" far only a credit card "feeler" test charge of a few $ and the c.c. company fraud dept. contacted us first.....

not long ago a fellow church congregant and elderly widow thought she was contacted by her great grandson requesting bail-out money from the city jail.....a legitimate landline # for city hall came-up on the screen.....she gave the bank #s but thankfully it did not work......after investigation, the off-shore crooks had digitally pieced together the g.g. son's voice from recording several telemarketing calls to him and probably used a skilled voice impersonator to fill in the necessary words/phrases....granny thought his voice seemed oddly halting and robot-like but she said it was not unlike the poorly connected cell phone conversations that we are used to.....thankfully giving the bank #s does not always result in the feared disaster.....after all, everyone who you have ever written a check to has that same info.....

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