Bad day for me

by uncowboy, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 15:18 (2658 days ago)

Have a heat wave going on here in the east. Jumped on the BMW R1100S and blasted to work at 1 am. Got out late high humidity and no air I worked to the end of my shift in a back up 1984 F 250 without air or power windows. Get done my 8 hr work day get on my blaster 38 miles from home and the fuel light is on. OK thought I had more miles but didn't. No worries filled up at the end of the block and took off like a bat out of hell and had a bad steer???? Flat rear tire . Shit! Have patch kit Tire chargers nothing worked Walked bike to sears and then to Good year no one would touch it' thank you 2017. Parked bike hitched a ride home Went 13 miles to tailor and relied I forgot the hitch?? Back home got the hitch Traveled 16 miles to my tailor and hitched it up. Got the bike on and took a very slow ride home . Tire shop would not remove tire so I am working on the bike on the tailor and got it off. Fixed and I re assembled it and went home . Bike on tailor I can't take off alone. 16 hr into my day and really accomplished nothing! J.Michael

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