Florida sheriff on terrorists

by Big Six, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 09:40 (2658 days ago)


Sheriff: Get a Gun, Police Respond in Minutes But Criminals Take Lives in Seconds

On Monday, Florida’s Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey doubled down on last week’s pro-self-defense comments by making clear that police respond to 911 calls in minutes but criminals take lives in mere seconds.

On June 9 Breitbart News reported Ivey’s earlier comments, wherein he urged citizens to get a gun, get mentally prepared, and let terrorists scratch and claw to defend their own lives for a change.

Ivey said:

No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there is no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun–or a knife–is an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer. There is no doubt that as soon as 911 is called law enforcement is on the way, however, until they arrive it is up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.

During a June 12 appearance on Fox & Friends, Ivey reiterated his message, stressing that police response to a 911 call is minutes for “the best law enforcement agencies” but “a violent criminal can take your life in a second.” He added, “So we need our citizens to be well prepared, to have already though out their emergency plan. If they’re concealed carry holders, carry their gun with them. It’s not doing any good at the house or in the car.”

Ivey stressed that “there is no way to predict where the next attack is coming from or even the next active shooter, so we want out citizens to be prepared to be the first line of defense.”

He stressed that terrorists are not prepared to be attacked “and when somebody turns it on them, their plan falls to pieces.”

Florida sheriff on terrorists

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 09:59 (2658 days ago) @ Big Six

Refreshing to hear from LEO. Too many snowflakes in this country.

Florida sheriff on terrorists

by uncowboy, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 14:54 (2658 days ago) @ Cherokee

In NJ they call that taking from The well LE lawyer judge lawyer bail bond it goes on and on, A 30 yr old could be on your 13 yr old daughter and if you stop it they will deplete your life savings sayings how do you know she didn't consent??????

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