Well, this is disappointing....

by JD, Western Washington, Saturday, June 10, 2017, 17:19 (2660 days ago)

I don't know about the rest of you, but in the last few years I've found it impossible to find strike anywhere kitchen matches that work worth squat. The Diamond green matches are worthless. The diamond red and white matches for the last few years before they discontinued them for the green ones don't work well either. Thin sticks that break, very little match compound, and hardly any of the white phosphorus at the tip...
I recently found on ebay three boxes of the old diamond strike anywhere kitchen matches that were 40 plus years old and won the auction. When they arrived and I opened them, my heart soared. They had the great old thick wood sticks, lots of match compound and huge white tips just like I remembered from the old days.... All was wonderful until I tried to light some of them... Nothing... And I do mean nothing. They wouldn't light. not on the strip on the box, not on concrete, not on anything. I even tried lighting them with a lighter, and even then the match compound would barely burn and would go out before even half of it burnt. Apparently, they don't age all that well....

So, I'm back to having no decent strike anywhere matches. The reasonably decent ones made by Uco are no more because Diamond bought them out and then discontinued them because they compete with their pathetic green matches.

So what's a guy to do? Rely just on butane lighters and give up on matches for use outdoors? Is there some secret source for strike anywhere matches that actually work? What's the world coming to?????

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