Phil and I were part of the Gunshop loafing crowd in Wasilla

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, May 03, 2017, 17:59 (2698 days ago) @ Hoot

I think we were in the semi pro loafing league... He is probably the best bear guide in Alaska. Phil stopped by the shop a month or so ago. He and his wife were visiting the Grand Canyon and stopped by. He showed me stills from this bear. He had faith in the BB ammo and his ability. He did order a couple holsters for his M13 .357 and M629 Mountain Gun, so has up gunned a bit from his 3946. Jason C at Lipsys is trying to get a Guide Special 3946 made :-) I am absolutely bored by all the second guessers that have never even seen a bear let alone shot one. How dead does the bear have to be...:-D [image]
One of Phil Shoemaker's new holsters

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