Anecdotal "evidence"...

by Paul ⌂, Friday, April 21, 2017, 22:12 (2710 days ago) @ Hoot

Years ago there was an egg stealing bitch what would come over from the next farm over to steal eggs and chickens to feed the pups she'd whelped. Her people didn't feed her so it was understandable - but inexcusable. One afternoon I looked out and saw her sneaking up the trail, keeping low and heading for where the chickens (true free range birds) usually hung out. The 6" Rossi was handy and loaded with 148 gr Lyman (or was it Ideal?) wadcutters crimped over a 22 LR case full of Especial de Caça (about the same burn rate as Bullseye). It was a decently accurate load in this sixgun. I didn't expect to hit her as she was 50 meters or more out there, but figured I'd let her know it wasn't healthy around there. I held right at the base of her ear as she paused to sniff and get her bearings - and it was like I'd reached out and placed the slug with my hand, it hit exactly where I was holding. She hit the ground as the shot and then began to howl. As I ran up to her she was trying to drag herself towards home. Two rounds into her neck did no good so I got around and managed to get one into her head. That one shut her down completely, game over. So it's not just about getting there accurately, it's about having enough OOMPH when it gets there. I've NO idea what speed those slugs were going, but it wasn't enough to do a clean job of it. A faster moving bullet where I placed the first one would have shut her down right there.

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