The CZ75 and clones would be perfect for me...

by rob @, Sunday, March 26, 2017, 10:17 (2737 days ago) @ stonewalrus

Except for that ultra extreme round trigger. The Sig 226 is a close second with the same problem. The tip of the trigger on both guns puts pressure right at the edge of my trigger finger and fingernail making it extremely sore after shooting it in DA mode. I have pretty fat or thick fingers and I think that's the majority of the issue, but I just can't shoot them well because of it. I had a stainless CZ75 that I just had to have and I let it go for that reason. As easy as the triggers are to change on both guns, you'd think they would offer straighter triggers. CZ actually does but it isn't a huge improvement. I've just about determined it's 1911's and revolvers for me. Tempted sorely by the new CZ striker pistol though.

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