Funny 32 Spanish Revolver Story

by Sarge, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 22:19 (4518 days ago) @ Slow Hand

The first drug raid I ever went on, I was working Uniform and just got 'drafted' help with a search warrant at a coke dealers house. The little shit was maybe 22 & had two new Camaros--sans plates of course--in the driveway. It was a pretty big house and they wanted a uniform on the spearhead team, which was to keep pressing until we cleared the last upstairs bedroom with detention teams rolling in behind us. It was in that last upstairs bedroom that our entrepreneur of creative pharmaceuticals was found. He was in bed when I kicked that door and being young and catlike (LOL) I was on him instantly.

I grabbed one wrist and he shoved the other under his pillow, while his girlfriend exited the covers 'in such a manner as to cause considerable distraction' ;) I snicked the safety off a Colt Series 70 as I introduced has nose to the muzzle and told him that other hand better come out slow and empty. He complied and when the cuffs clicked I jerked the pillow back to find a Spanish .32 DA revolver, not unlike the one described above. When I picked it up by the grip, two shiny little 32 Auto cartridges peeked out the end of the cylinder at me. I read the barrel inscription which said something like "32 Ctgs" along with other inscriptions. Me & the evidence guy, another gunnie, later dropped a 32 WCF into each chamber. It was a sloppy fit in all of them. I guess it might have fired a 32 auto cartridge if it was pointed up... I didn't intend to get shot with it in any case.

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