It's getting better with use...

by rob @, Friday, March 03, 2017, 19:47 (2759 days ago) @ rob

Not sure what's going on but as I pump it and shoot some plain air through it it seems to be improving. Seems to be getting the full charge with the appropriate 8 pumps now. If I let it sit a while the first few pumps leak a dab out, you can barely hear it. But if I pump it and shoot it a couple times, then the first pump holds. Could be the little white pellet looking check valve as well as the rubber seal on the rear. He sent a new one but it was shorter than my original. I tried it for grins but it didn't have enough spring pressure to seal so I put my longer one back in. Should be squirrel worthy now though and it may continue getting better with use and break in.

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