Thank You Gentlemen,

by Drago, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 11:42 (4519 days ago)
edited by Drago, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 12:04

For being gentlemen. I posted a question on another board about a specific brand of muzzle brake to be installed on a .308 bolt action rifle. One of the inhabitants of that board decided to castigate me in insulting terms for asking such a question. I was a bit taken aback by the keyboard kommando simply because I am used to the courteous behavior displayed here. I haven't seen anyone taken to task on this board for asking a question. Patience is the watch word here, not school yard bullying and petty name calling.

Thank You Gentlemen,

by Byron, Please, if I may ask........, Saturday, May 19, 2012, 12:40 (4519 days ago) @ Drago

What brake are you asking about and what did the knucklehead say?


Thank You Gentlemen,

by Drago, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 01:49 (4518 days ago) @ Byron

I asked about putting a Smith Enterprises "Good Iron" muzzle brake on a Ruger Scout Rifle. The barrel is already threaded 5/8"X24 and has a Mini 14/30 type flash supressor. The reply from a fellow calling himself "Big Bore Lover" was:

"Why put a Muzzle Brake on a bolt action rifle? Is it the incredibly deadly recoil of the 308 cartridge? That awful muzzle rise that keeps you off target on the next Zombie?

Gimme a break. If you want to reduce muzzle flash fine, put a damn flash hider on it. Oh wait, it already has one.


A bit farther on:

"They work quite nicely on full auto items. There still is no need for them on a bolt gun unless the shooter is a wimp. Muzzle rise on a bolt gun in 308 is not enough that it matters. If you want one, buy it."

There wers also a couple of PM's in which he addressed me as "Brucey" and carried on about "idiots" hanging gadgets on their bolt guns.

He sorta reminded me of the older crew cut loudmouth I saw once in a restaurant many years ago, who berated some poor little waitress because she brought"... the oatmeal before his bacon and eggs and what kind of idiot would do that!"

Thank You Gentlemen,

by Bob Hatfield @, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 06:00 (4518 days ago) @ Drago

The next time he came in to the restauarant she put some dung on his burger mixed with the mayo and the lettuce. And some pee in his ice tea for good measure.

One thing I dont do is rile the waitress. And I always leave them a good tip as most work very hard. If I do get on their nerves I will not let them take my food back to adjust it.

If I may...............

by Byron, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:33 (4518 days ago) @ Drago

The answer from BBL was rude and uncalled for....still....a couple thoughts to consider....the rifle does not kick hard enought to "really" need a brake...brakes are VERY noisy....enought so that on a hunting...practical type rifle they are obnoxious...

Now if you really want to go high zoot uber cool....just fill out the class 3 paper your money....90 days later head out with a compact modern high performance can....screwed on the end of your scout....nice...

That right there would be the total ticket....


RE:If I may...............

by Drago, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 16:00 (4517 days ago) @ Byron

Oh I agree that it's not needed. Recoil was not an issue, and if the GSR wasn't already threaded I wouldn't have even considered it. I have a Smith muzzle brake on my M1A,(flash suppressors are a no-no on semi-autos in California), and was considering a Smith for the Ruger GSR. I asked if anyone on that board had used a Smith on their rifle. Another member said he'd be interested also, and along came BBL. In the end, I got a Yankee Hill Machine thread protector to replace the flash supressor, if I can get it off the barrel. (Ruger cranked it on pretty good!) I am of the opinion that it's just a marketing ploy by Ruger to appeal to the "black rifle" crowd.

FYI...Cans and such are running 180+days now

by bmize, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 17:30 (4517 days ago) @ Byron


Thank You Gentlemen,

by Drago, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 22:20 (4517 days ago) @ Byron

I had that one on a .223

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, May 21, 2012, 04:24 (4517 days ago) @ Drago

My first AR was a post ban Bushmaster with a plain barrel. I thought it needed something on the end there and bought a
Version of that brake with four set screws. It reduced the recoil to near zero and did a fair job of flash suppression as well.

It may be a quiet little corner of the web...

by Brian A, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 07:44 (4518 days ago) @ Drago

but the generous, good natured atmosphere of the place has kept many of us around for quite a while.

And well mannered.

by anachronism, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:13 (4518 days ago) @ Brian A

There are very few places on the ninny-net any more where your opinion is respected, as long as you offer the same courtesy. Many sites seem to thrive on conflict. But if you're doing something dangerous, somebody will tell you.

Thank You Gentlemen,

by bmize, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 17:44 (4517 days ago) @ Drago

I had one of the SEI brakes I on a 6.5, worked well. Not sure if it is the same one you are looking for.

I like brakes or cans on everything over 223.
Why????? when I go to the range with centerfire rifles, I don't shoot 10 rounds. I'm more in the neighborhood of 50+ per rifle, 3-5 rifles.

You WILL start flinching after that many rounds I don't give a Rats A$$ who you are.
When you are shooting premium hand made ammo, $.60 a round x 200+/-

Tell that guy to go actually shoot something and get off the computer,IF he even ownes a rifle. I, personally would tell him !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*(@#$%^&*(

Thank You Gentlemen,

by Drago, Sunday, May 20, 2012, 19:39 (4517 days ago) @ bmize

Yeah, in a PM I pointed out to him I thought most of his "expertise" came from magazines and the internet. Needless to say that didn't endear me to him. I had another missive from him today touting his "...36 years in the firearms field", and how I must be some 18 or 19 year old boy if I couldn't handle the recoil of a .308.
My reply? "Get over yourself. You're nothing special."

Rude doesn't begin to cover it.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Monday, May 21, 2012, 08:53 (4517 days ago) @ Drago

Personally, I find that the .308 beats me up a bit. And those with whom I have shot know I am not much of a "recoil weeny". There is something about the 'abruptness' of the recoil which hammers me a little. I'd much rather shoot the big boys. They'll shove you around all right but it's just a shove...sometime it's a BIG shove but it's still just a shove.

That said, I think if a feller wants a brake on his rifle, he should put a brake on his rifle. End of story. What I want on mine or think about them doesn't matter much.

I am more interested in which factors got you thinking about them, about how well it meets those factors and how it suits you. All those things get thrown in the hopper and become food for thought rather than reasons for ridicule.

You are correct: this is a good spot.

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