You are correct!

by Catoosa, Thursday, March 02, 2017, 10:26 (2761 days ago) @ Hoot

Oh come on, Hoot - PLEASE buy it. Then bring it to CAS and watch me cry my eyes out because I didn't!

I have number 378. Made in 1917. It belonged to a bootlegger in the 1920s, my grandfather acquired it after the bootlegger went to prison. Grandpa kept his little neighborhood grocery store with it all through the depression, and likely prevented a couple of robberies just by taking it out from under the counter and sticking it in his waistband when some guy who didn't look right came in.

Old #378 is pretty rickety now. It will still shoot, but has earned an honorable retirement. I'd love to have a good one, but the gun budget just won't stand another purchase just now.

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