"soft" practice

by stonewalrus, Thursday, May 17, 2012, 18:42 (4520 days ago)

I realize it isn't the ideal, but in the dry spells in between shooting I decided to buy a airsoft copy of my Taurus Mil Pro. I figure it is in the neighborhood of dry firing but I sort of cringe at that with a real gun in the house. I am assuming it will fit in my regular MP holster and give me drawing practice at least. Picked up a Thunder Ranch video the other day and some of the oddball shooting positions they would never let you do at a real range. Yes, I know some here will tell me to invest in the full blown class but I have to keep food on the table and take care of my little one so I figure this is better than no practice at all. I'm thinking I'll start the little one out with airsoft before graduating to live fire too.

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