Yes. Back 15yrs ago, on ebay, I bought single cavs

by John K., Thursday, February 09, 2017, 09:29 (2782 days ago) @ Hoot

for $5-$10, doubles for $15-20. The most I paid was $40 for a Lyman 4-cav 429421 square groove. Lyman HPs were about $35.

Then the desirable ones started going up as more people started searching ebay. HPs were first, hitting $80 regularly. Four cavs shot past $100. Then everyone with a bullet mould listed theirs with a starting bid of $75. I quit looking. I has tapered off some lately, but is still silly. Back when they were cheap, it worked, even if the used mould had issues. These days, I usually skip right to the custom makers - with one exception. Certain Lee designs in 6-cav are workhorses.

Bought a lot of customs from Mountain molds and they work great. I dislike dealing with group buys on Castboolits, so have only bought a few there. Mihec (Croatia?) makes super quality moulds.

NOE has their own version of group buys and those are excellent moulds also. They have quite a few in inventory also.

Eric at does excellent work if you need an undersize lyman (common) fixed or want one HP'd.

Veral Smith may still be out there somewhere if you don't mind dealing with him.

After Walt died, NEI went downhill faster than a P-47 with a dead engine... perhaps his daughter & SIL have recovered by now, but I will let someone else test the theory.

BPCR has some excellent moulds in people like Hoch & Brooks, but their selection is mostly BPCR.

I know you are aware of all this, but others might find something useful in there.

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