..for the stick-bow guys....

by John Meeker @, Monday, January 30, 2017, 19:33 (2792 days ago) @ Paul

Y'r welcome, Paul... I've made a narrow, short range 24' shooting lane down one side of my shop. The long-boows are bit restricted for a level shot. soooo...I've benn snooping for a little cheapie recureve, just keep the arrows from rusting the points...however, a fellow I knew when he lived in this neck'o, was a modern pioneer in the popular resurgence of mounted horse archery. : Lukas Novotny - Saluki bows. His personal story, is one that is the classic immigrant and political refugee story. worth a goodgle...Since this is an attempt to recover my childhood snap shooting skill, anyway -- I just might have to make a short stout stick and see if I can whittle into a shooter. Great fun,

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