addendum -- gunshow price for Ruger .22 SS takesown.... .

by John Meeker @, Monday, January 16, 2017, 13:18 (2806 days ago) @ John Meeker

Went over to Da Show, with one of those 'T.D.----comes in a bag and etc. About200 or so rounds thru it, but just cant find the niche I thot it would occupy. had it a year+ and shot twice. However, I have other .22 walkabouts I like better; sooo." it goes" Of not. could not get over a couple hundred MAX -- just too many and too cheap and ruger is putting out some remarkably low-priced .22.s, as well. It came home, as well 'the usual' "stock me up, Scotty!" ammo buys.

Thinking this may=possibly be a regional thing, [prob'ly not], I'd like to hear from the assembled a flyer at what they would pay for said .22 -- or would sell the same.

Kinda a dinker subject, but it's the best I've got this AM. TIA.

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