Ruger 10/22 question...

by pokynojoe, Sunday, May 13, 2012, 10:54 (4525 days ago)

I've been shooting my 10/22 more and more recently and the safety has become a real annoyance. I would like to change it to left hand. Apparently, I can purchase a dedicated left hand safety but the only ones I can find have a "big" button, and they can be "pricey". Also, apparently, once they are installed the rifle can be a "pain" to take down for cleaning. What I really want is one just like the "stock" one, but left hand. If anyone knows of a source for one of these, I'd like to know.
Barring this, can I just make a "slave" pin the same diameter of the safety and "push" it out with the pin, so's that the pin holds the detent? Once I do this, does anyone know how to modify the stock safety for left hand, or can you point me somewhere, where I can purchase a manual or instructions on how to do this?

By the way, I called Ruger and no dice.


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