It's not "IF" is "'When?"......

by John Meeker @, Monday, December 26, 2016, 11:48 (2827 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The Terr Orgs are bound to amalgamate ALL their resources...and to plan long-term sleeper units, in the West. The local, long term Imigres... were settling in and assimilating when I was a kid, No one really thought much about those small communities and shopkeepers. The families had high work and scholastic values. -- and observed a milder form of Their Religion. NOW? - The steady influx of people who hate us, but are willing to come here for money, opportunities, and safety -- are also the carriers of terror and hostility. I have seen the R$egional mosque here, work hard to be a good neighbor and civic citizen. How do I know this? I talk to them, I know families, and I have seen the 'hard asses' increasing -- and acting like paranoid SOB's -- altho mebbe they Didn't Know what can be read on them.

Anyway,,,good, bad, indifferent,,,,,, or otherwise...there seems to be no future reading of History, that will not eventually turn up the "Cracks In An Empire" --

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