Cleaning the office

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Wednesday, December 21, 2016, 15:12 (2832 days ago)

Barbara is gone for Christmas to visit with her family so I'm home alone. Decided to clean my room. While going through paper work I found the first hand written sales record of Dry Creek Bullet Works. I know the names but not sure if all are still on this board. The first was Lance Breneman [Lancer]. Haven't heard from him in many moons. Lewis Ballard, Jim Taylor & CAZ are still here. Two others I'm not sure they post are Larry Leadingham & Matt Rohrer.

The first bullets shipped [1-17-01] were the Lyman 35429 & in those days we used Apache Blue Lube. Of the 7 sales on page one four were 38 caliber & one 45 & one 44.

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