I'm looking to buy some bullets

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Saturday, May 12, 2012, 16:41 (4525 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

What ya gonna shoot em out of.

Lee C338-220 is an accurate bullet out of a model 70 338 Mag with 39 grains of 3031 as is the Hornady 200 grain FP they used to sell for 33 Winchester. Same size group and POI at 50 yards, I never worry about shooting further away here in Middle TN with that rifle except to plink.

Too bad the Lee is not a FP.

I will look I think I have some cast from the RCBS 200 grainer FPGC, and I just got a Ranch Dog mold for FPPB 200 grainers I need to cast up. I thinking my sizing die is 0.339".

Let me see what I have lying around gathering dust.


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