That explains why I haven't seen an "American Rifleman"...

by anachronism, Saturday, May 12, 2012, 06:05 (4526 days ago) @ Alfred John

Long ago, I bought a 3 year subscription to "Guns & Ammo" on ebay. After a few months I realized I hadn't seen a single issue so I contacted the seller, who got it straightened out, and as an apology, G&A doubled my subscription to 6 years at no additional cost. After a few years, the magazine stopped coming, so I called the subscription office who told me in effect that they simply decided to stop sending magazines after about 4 years. I pressed the issue and started receiving magazines again, until my extended subscription ran out. It appears that they can and will do this on complementary subs if you don't ride them to keep up. The silly part is that G&A had gotten so lame by that time that I really didn't care. Seyfreid had just left and the magazine was plunging into mediocrity. After my sub lapsed, I never picked up a copy of G&A again, and I'm surprised to see it still being published at all. But then again, I feel that way about a lot of magazines.

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