Have shot several in the past...

by Brian A, Monday, November 28, 2016, 11:15 (2855 days ago) @ Bryan

Started with indoor 22 rifle as a teenager. Then shot some skeet and trap in high school, when I worked at a local range. Got involved with high power when first moving to my current location. Played around with indoor 22 bullseye for a season. Did some cowboy action for a couple years. Life, finances, situations, always got in the way, mostly finances.

I would love to do some silhouette shooting, and there are several competitions near me each year, but between match fees and ammunition costs, it is just beyond my means to play any of them any more. For several years I shot 22 pistol daily at home, started out with a 25 rds/day, then got down the 5 rds/day as prices went up, now for the last few years with the ammunition shortage, have gotten down to maybe 5 rds/wk and with my new business have not shot anything in months. Am hoping it continues to do well and I can afford to start shooting again.

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